The Message of the Twenty-Third Psalm
by Max Lucado
INSPIRATION Ever wonder why churches are powerful in one generation but empty the next? Perhaps the answer is found in Proverbs 15:25. "The Lord will tear down the proud person's house."
God hates arrogance. He hates arrogance because we haven't done anything to be arrogant about. Do art critics give award to the canvas? Is there a Pulitzer for ink? Can you imagine a scalpel growing smug after a successful heart transplant? Of course not. They are only tools, so they get no credit for the accomplishments.
And the message of the Twenty-third Psalm is that we have nothing to be proud about either. We have rest, salvation, blessings, and home in heaven--and we did nothing to earn any of it. Who did? Who did the work? The answer threads through the psalm like a silk thread through pearls.
"He makes me . . ."
"He leads me . . ."
"He restores my soul . . ."
"You are with me . . . "
"You rod and your staff comfort me . . ."
"You prepare a table . . ."
"You anoint my head . . ."
We may be the canvas, the paper, or the scalpel, but we are not the ones who deserve the applause. And just to make sure e get the point right smack-dab in the middle of the poem, David recalls who does. The shepherd leads his sheep, not for our names' sake."
Why does God have anything to do with us? For his name's sake. No other name up in lights. No other name on the front page. This is all done for God's glory. (From Traveling Light by Max Lucado)
APPLICATION In what areas of your life is there a temptation to become or arrogant? Is it a special ability or talent? Is it your possessions--the house you live, or the car you drive? Or it is your educational background or your accomplishments? Make a list of those items and then confess to God your pride. Ask that God will help you remove that spirit of arrogance.
SCRIPTURE Daniel 3:1-30 The Fiery Furnace
EXPLORATION Arrogance--Proverbs 8:13; Isaiah 13:13; Jeremiah 48:29; Romans 1:30
The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, Max Lucado General Editor, Thomas Nelson Publishers, page 1047-1048.
Beth Moore
"The Surprising Goal of Chastisement"
Beth Moore uncovers the glorious relationship
between correction and healing as laid out in God's word.
Wednesdays with Beth presented by LIFE Today with James and Betty Robison.
Watch the full episode at Thriving In A Season of Chastement Part 1
The Short YouTube video clip posted above comes from
Thriving in a Season of Chastement Part 3, October 21, 2009
The Short YouTube video clip posted above comes from
Thriving in a Season of Chastement Part 3, October 21, 2009
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